5 Things You Should Never Do After Eating (No.4 is Really Dangerous For Your Health)

The experts warn that many people do these 5 things every day (after eating), which can be very dangerous for their health – especially #4.

1. Sleep

Ladies and gentlemen, this is very important for you to remember – going to sleep right after eating will cause your stomach to “burn” through the night, which will result in discomfort, bloating and odd sleeping patterns. A recent study has discovered that people who waited at least 1 hour after meal (to go to sleep), were less likely to have a stroke. This means that you should eat at least 30 minutes before bed.

2. Smoke

Smoking is probably one of the worst things you can do to your lungs. If you smoke, then you should wait at least 1-2 hours after eating. This is because the nicotine in cigarettes binds with the excess oxygen (which is very important in the digestion process), and allows your body to absorb more carcinogens than usual. A recent study has revealed that smoking right after a meal is very dangerous for you,. It also increases the risk of bowel and lung cancer.

3. Shower

Here’s what you need to know – when we shower, we increase the blood flow in our hands, legs, and body; and decrease the blood flow in our stomach. According to the experts, this weakens the digestive system, causing it to become inefficient, which usually results in stomach problems.

4. Eat Fruit

According to the experts, the best time to eat fruit is on an empty stomach. It’s because fruits require different enzymes to digest and the simple sugars in fruits need time to be properly absorbed by the body. When your stomach is empty, you’ll benefit from all the nutrients, fiber and simple sugars found in the fruit. But, if you consume fruit right after a meal, the fruit will remain in the stomach for an extended period of time. This can cause indigestion, heartburn, burping and other discomforts.

5. Drink Tea

Drinking tea right after a meal will disrupt the iron absorption process. How this works – the tannic acid found in tea binds with the protein and iron in our food, which means that our body can’t digest them properly. This results in an 87% decrease in iron absorption! Low levels of iron can trigger anemia, extreme fatigue, weakness, pale skin, chest pain, dizziness, cold hands and feet, brittle nails, and poor appetite.

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