9 Foods You Should Never Eat If You Have Arthritis

Arthritis affects over 50 million Americans, forcing them to struggle with the pain and inflammation on a daily basis. However, medications do not target the root of the issue, so the only ease the pain.

On the other hand, if you start consuming anti-inflammatory foods, you will soon treat the arthritis pain in a completely natural and safe way.

These are the 9 foods you must avoid in the case of arthritis:

Fried & Processed Foods
The 2009 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism published a study which revealed that fried foods are rich in toxins called advanced glycation end products, which boost the oxidation in the cells and thus aggravate inflammation.

Therefore, make sure you avoid all kinds of fried and processed foods.

Refined Carbohydrates
Processed carbohydrates from white flour products, like bread, crackers, white rice or white potatoes have a high GI and thus trigger inflammation.

Wheat and gluten cause inflammation in many people, especially in those who are intolerant or suffering from a leaky gut, since it allows toxins and waste to enter the bloodstream through your intestines, and this leads to an immune response and inflammation.

Processed sugar triggers the release of inflammatory messengers, called cytokines, so you should stay away from candy, sodas, processed fruit juices, pastries, and all sweets.

Most dairy products contain casein, which is a protein type that leads to inflammation, as it irritates the tissues around the joints.

Corn Oil
Corn oil is high in omega-6 fatty acids, and this makes it inflammatory. Therefore, you should avoid all oils derived from seeds, such as soybean, sunflower, grapeseed, and canola oil.

Tobacco and alcohol have been related to the development of certain types of arthritis. Drinking alcohol overburdens the liver, disrupting its function, and leading to inflammation.

Excessive salt intake causes water imbalances in the body, leading to edema and boosted pressure on the blood vessels. This worsens arthritis and results in pain and inflammation.

Nightshades contain alkaloids, which in arthritis patients show pro-inflammatory properties, and thus intensify the pain and inflammation. Therefore, you should avoid white potatoes, tomatoes, and pepper, paprika, and eggplants.

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