The Oil That Stops Your Hair From Falling And Makes It Grow Thicker And Longer

Castor oil has a wide range of use due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is also considered as a highly effective natural beauty product.

Castor oil is abundant in proteins, minerals, vitamin E and essential fatty acids. It contains Ricinoleic acid which can do wonders for your hair and skin. It can treat and prevent hair loss, dandruff, folliculitis, and scalp infections.

Here is how this oil can improve the look and health of your hair:

• Prevents premature graying
• Tame split ends and frizzy hair
• Moisturizes the hair
• Acts as a conditioner
• Strengthens the root of the hair
• Serves as germicidal and fungicidal agent
• Boosts the circulation in the scalp
• Regulates the pH levels
• Encourages hair growth
• Neutralizes the damage caused by the chemicals in the hair care products.

Castor oil contains numerous healing compounds and it is easily available. You can use it either plain or in combination with coconut oil.

The best way to encourage hair growth is to apply castor oil to your hair by massaging the scalp. This will enhance the circulation, thus improving the quality and the texture of your hair. However, the only disadvantage of applying plain castor oil is that you may need multiple hair washes to remove it completely.

Mixing castor oil with other oils makes it easier to use and increases its potency. We recommend you combine it with coconut oil. Both oils have strong antimicrobial qualities and have high nutritional value. The mixture of these two oils is useful for hair prone to splitting.

Mix coconut oil and castor oil in 1:1 ratio. Blend them well and apply the combination to your scalp with circular motions. Let it act for about 2 hours and cover it with a waterproof cap. Afterwards, rinse it off.

Practice this method two times a week and soon you will notice amazing results.

Castor oil is extremely beneficial for your overall health as well. Here is a list of its healing properties:

• It has laxative effects
• Soothes joint pain
• Relieves muscle soreness
• Treats fungal infections
• Promotes hair growth
• Enhances hair color
• Moisturizes the skin
• Acts as a natural mascara
• Improves the sleep
• Heals skin issues on pets
• Can be used as a lubricant
